Saturday, October 26, 2013

Slavery Still Exists...

On Wednesday was celebration of Zambian Independence Day at Natwange Community School – each class in grades 1-9 performed either a song, sketch (skit), or dance to celebrate independence.  They were all very entertaining– the one that struck me – was the one prepared by grade 9…

They were reenacting some of the things that the British used to make the Zambians– for example – the British used to make the Zambians carry them on their back and to walk very far distances for “transportation”,  they also used to chain up Zambians and make them carry other heavy equipment, among other things too uncomfortable for me to write about…as I sat there and they narrated what was going on – I noticed how they chose to use the word “white person” instead of British. As I was sitting there listening – I realize the fact that those are my European ancestors – in whom I am somehow connected to. How can evil like this occur? I remembered how this evil has happened and occurred in my own homeland….and is still happening in many ways today.
I think for the first time – I let myself feel deep sorrow for all types of slavery – not just in Zambia  – if we don’t reflect on these things – they will happen again – and there isn’t only one form of slavery – there’s a million forms of slavery – we can even enslave our family and friends – we can enslave those in our love relationships. Are we all truly free? Because we should be! We were bought at a price in the blood of Christ – so we should all live in freedom as children of God. Are we enslaving anyone around us by not forgiving them? And are we letting things of this world enslave us?

My prayer today is for freedom – for all people – in the whole world – in every way – to be set free from all things that drag them down. We are called to freedom brothers and sisters – God’s sees no color – we are all covered in His blood – no matter what race, color, ethnicity, gender, appearance – we are all connected to each other – let’s treat each other with respect and dignity so that all people can live in the freedom Christ has intended for them.

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